The 21st-Century Card Counter: The Pros’ Approach to Beating Blackjack




The Modern Guide for Today’s Blackjack Card Counters

The game of 21 has changed over the last 50 years in the casinos’ attempt to discourage card counters, but blackjack remains beatable for those who are focused, steadfast, and willing to do what it takes in order to play to win. Author Colin Jones leads the way for those interested in beating today’s game.

Before the explosion of casino gambling in the 1990s, card counters were limited in the number of places they could play. They tended to be concerned with longevity at the expense of optimal playing and betting strategies and they feared exposure. But the modern-day card counter has adapted to the new environment, eschewing fear and evasion in favor of meeting the game head on.

The 21st-Century Card Counter is a highly authoritative guide to how you should think about card counting in the current casino environment. Written by a blackjack pro who founded the infamous Church Team, manages the Blackjack Apprenticeship website, leads Blackjack Bootcamps, and has earned his livelihood beating the casinos for more than two decades, this book offers new and unique information and advice, as well as real-life stories and interviews with current advantage players, to help you have the best chance at crushing casinos in today’s blackjack world.


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